可怜的 fedora.org

其实这篇文章不算新闻,只是想告诉大家,Fedora 真正的官方网站是 http://fedoraproject.org/ 而不是 http://www.fedora.org/ .

相信很多人在寻找 fedora 官方网站的时候会随手打上 fedora.org ,就像访问红帽的网站 redhat.com 那样。

估计 fedora.org 也饱受这种意外访问的困扰,于是他们的主页就变成了一张图配几句话,告诉别人这是一个私人网站:

as always, we are not affiliated with red hat or the fedora project
or people who like to wear hats while using linux
or any other entity

this is a private system
any images, media, or text that appear here are for our own amusement



Now have One Response to “可怜的 fedora.org”

  1. soli 2012-07-13 10:42 says: 回复

